PIERRE MARIN VIVALDI 4/4 Violon avec étui

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Disponibilité : En Stock

Dimensions: 4/4
Haut: Épicéa massif
Arrière: Érable massif
Côté: Érable massif
Touche: Ébène

This violin belongs to the Pierre Marin series, which comes from the workshops of the traditional Slovak manufacturer of stringed instruments Dowina, and represents a classical musical instrument in excellent quality.

The VIVALDI model series represents a higher quality level. It is intended not only for advanced pupils of elementary schools, but also serves well as a cheaper substitute for a master instrument for conservatory students. The spruce for these instruments is specially selected according to acoustic quality from stocks at least 10 years old. The back and sides are made of flamed maple, which adds to the overall beauty and value of the instrument.

The violins are made from select woods that undergo additional checks during the instrument building process. Professionals - both makers and musicians - cannot praise the quality/price ratio.

Item No.: VIVAV44

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