JARGAR SPECIAL D Forte Pojedyncza Struna do Wiolonczeli

  • Marka: GEWA
  • Model: 638889

  • Cena promocyjna:


    Stara cena:




  • Cena netto: 30,37€
  • Najniższa cena w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni: 37,05€

Dostępność: W magazynie

Grubość Strun: Grube
Materiał Drugiej Struny: Chrome steel
Zakończenie Struny: Kulka
Rozmiar: 4/​4

The Special strings are built on the long tradition of the Classic A and D strings but they are more powerful than the Classic A string and D string. The secret is in the bigger thickness of the strings which give them more power, volume and brilliance and make them the perfect choice for solo playing, chamber music as well as orchestra playing.

Item No.: 638889

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