ZILDJIAN K CUSTOM Dark 18˝ Talerz Crash

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  • Cena netto: 348,36€
  • Najniższa cena w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni: 425,00€

Dostępność: W magazynie

Styl: Over-hammered for extra fast decay
Brzmienie: Ciemne
Charakter: Produces dark, full-bodied crashes, Quick, bright attack
Waga: Lekkie
Specyfikacja: Projects with more character and nuance

The dark and full-bodied K Custom Dark Crash utilizes a special over-hammering technique that allows for a quick and bright attack with an extra fast decay. This allows for a heavier Crash to have a similar response to a thinner and lighter cymbal, but with a lot more volume potential.

Item No.: K0953

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