YAMAHA YSL-356G Waltornia

  • Dostępność: Out Of Stock
  • Marka: YAMAHA
  • Model: 90120
Średnica: Bell Diameter 204.4mm(8'')
Specyfikacja: Bore Size Dual: 12.70mm-13.34mm (0.500-0.525")
Akcesoria: Mouthpiece 48, Case SLC-210

Standard Series, Key: Bb/F, Bore: Dual: 12.7-13.34mm (0.500-0.525"), Bell: Gold-brass, 204.4mm (8"), Weight: Standard, Outer slide: Nickel silver, Inner slide: Nickel silver, Finish: Gold lacquer

Yamaha's Standard model tenor/bass trombone features many of the qualities of our top pro models, yet is available at a surprisingly affordable price. It has the same Yamaha original wrap on the valve section for free response, and the bell is gold-brass for a sound both rich and full.

Item No.: 90120

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