VIC FIRTH M227 Ney Rosauro Hard Pałki

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  • Cena netto: 51,01€
  • Najniższa cena w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni: 62,23€

Dostępność: W magazynie

Kolor: Natural
Specyfikacja: Durable Rattan Shafts
Specyfikacja II: Rubber Cores
Specyfikacja III: Hardness Hard
Długość: 40 cm
Waga: 92.8 g

The Vic Firth Ney Rosauro Series M227 hard cord vibraphone mallets are designed to produce lots of articulation on the vibes.

The M227 feature rubber cores wrapped in a special cord that helps project, yet still retain the warm, natural sounds of the vibes. The M227 use durable rattan shafts, and are slightly heavier than the rest of the series, allowing more projection and bigger sounds.

Item No.: M227

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