MXR M309 JOSHUA Ambient Echo Efekt do Gitary

  • Marka: MXR
  • Model: M309G1

  • Cena promocyjna:


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  • Cena netto: 245,08€
  • Najniższa cena w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni: 299,00€

Dostępność: W magazynie

Rodzaj Efektu: Delay / Echo
Nominalny Poziom Sygnału Wejściowego: 1MΩ
Impedancja Wyjściowa: 100 Ω
Zasilacz: 9V DC
Pobór Prądu: 300 mA
Specyfikacja: Maximum Input Level +5 dBV
Specyfikacja II: Noise Floor -97 dBV

The MXR Joshua Ambient Echo is a one-stop-shop sunk deep into iconic soundscapes, from tonal trips out of the ’60s and ’70s to the ethereal ambience of the ’80s. Once upon a time, you needed a whole rack processor get these tones, but this pedal comes with everything you need to cop that distinct tonal palette in a modern and user-friendly format—and it’s already dialed in and ready to go.

The MXR Joshua Ambient Echo is built on a foundation of meticulously tuned tones and textures that combine to encapsulate the rich, atmospheric essence and grand sense of space that have been the hallmark of countless classic tracks. It all comes baked in—all you have to do is season to taste, and transcend the sonic stratosphere.

The MXR Joshua Ambient Echo isn’t just a delay—it’s a tonal recipe expertly concocted for those who seek atmospheric perfection. Whether you're an ambient rock enthusiast or a tonal architect, this pedal is your ticket to iconic sonic sanctuaries.

Item No.: M309G1

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