MXR M251 FOD Drive Efekt do Gitary

  • Marka: MXR
  • Model: M251

  • Cena promocyjna:


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  • Cena netto: 176,23€
  • Najniższa cena w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni: 215,00€

Dostępność: W magazynie

Rodzaj Efektu: Overdrive
Złącza: 6.3 mm mono in / output jacks
Zasilacz: 9V Battery / Adapter AC
Specyfikacja: BLEND knob sets mix of High Gain and Crunch Gain circuits
Specyfikacja II: OUTPUT knob sets overall volume
Specyfikacja III: GAIN knob sets intensity of High Gain circuit’s overdrive
Funkcje: SCOOP switch selects flat, scooped, or boosted midrange frequencies
Funkcje II: ped, or boosted midrange frequencies 5 T
Funkcje III: FOOTSWITCH toggles effect on/bypass (clear blue LED indicates on)
Długość: 110 mm
Szerokość: 65 mm
Wysokość: 50 mm
Waga: 250 g

The MXR FOD Drive recreates the experience of blending the overdriven sounds of two highly coveted amp stacks right from your pedalboard. The MXR FOD Drive supplies the overdriven power of two highly coveted amp stacks in a single housing. Pros and tonechasers have been combining amplifiers on stage and in the studio for years, blending their sounds together and opening up new tonal palettes for exploration. Thanks to MXR’s award-winning team of engineers, you can recreate that experience right from your pedalboard.

The MXR team got their hands on a pair of heavily customized guitar amplifiers of legendary make and model, reveled in thunderous bliss, and then pulled them apart for careful analysis. One of the amps was modified for super scooped high-gain saturation, while the other was modified for punchy midrange crunch. Played in tandem, the complementary tonal profiles revealed a harmonically complex palette of grit, grind, and maxed-out overdrive that sounded so incredible that the team knew they had to make it available to players around the world.

Item No.: M251

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