EVANS B12UV1 Coated 12" Naciąg Perkusyjny

  • Marka: EVANS
  • Model: B12UV1

  • Cena promocyjna:


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  • Cena netto: 22,13€
  • Najniższa cena w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni: 27,00€

Dostępność: W magazynie

Specyfikacja: Very resilient and durable UV-hardened coating
Specyfikacja II: Ideal for playing with brushes
Specyfikacja III: Level 360 technology
Zastosowanie:: Tom
Średnica: 12 cali
Seria: UV1
Warstwy: Jednowarstwowe
Grubość: 10 mm
Wykończenie: Coated
Kolor: Biały

The UV1 series is designed for the widest range of sonic possibilities while remaining the most durable single-ply drumhead available. The patented UV-cured coating provides unmatched durability and consistency of texture, while the unique 10mil film delivers exceptional strength and versatility for a full range of musical applications.

UV1 drumheads are the number one solution for drummers who are tired of flaked, chipped, and worn out coatings. They also feature increased surface texture making them extremely responsive for brush playing. Combined with Level 360 Technology™, the UV1 series is the most versatile and durable 10mil drumhead drummers have ever laid their hands on. 

Item No.: B12UV1

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