• Dostępność: Out Of Stock
  • Marka: YUKA
  • Model: DJPA08-16
Strojenie: Strojony Liną
Średnica: 8"
Specyfikacja: Body material: plastic
Specyfikacja II: Drum head: synthetic
Specyfikacja III: Decorated in African style
Wysokość: 16" (40 cm)

The YUKA DJPA08-16 djembe is the smallest of the African style range. He's in great tune. The tension force of the membrane is adjusted using a nylon rope passed through metal rings. Djembe YUKA DJPA08-16 has a compact size, and therefore it is convenient to take it with you. This model is also perfect for a child.

A distinctive feature of the DJPA series is the material of manufacture. The djembe of this series are made of durable high quality plastic, which makes them even more convenient to transport - their weight is even lighter than that of fiberglass djembe. The synthetic membrane allows you to play the djembe outdoors in almost any weather without worrying that your drum will be out of tune.

Item No.: DJPA08-16

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