• Dostępność: Out Of Stock
  • Marka: PRO-MARK
  • Model: PW727N
Kształt Końcówki: Owalna
Materiał Końcówki: Nylonowa
Średnica: 13.5mm (7A)
Specyfikacja: Material/Wood Type: Shira Kashi Oak
Specyfikacja II: Taper: Medium
Specyfikacja III: Finish: Lacquer
Długość: 41,27cm

Diameter is about half-way between the 7A and the 5A, but it's longer. A great middle-of-the-road stick. Japanese Oak Drumstick Pro-Mark was the first drumstick company to introduce oak drumsticks to drummers in United States, and remains the only drumstick maker to offer Shira Kashi oak drumsticks continuously since 1957. No other oak drumstick can match the sound quality and superior craftsmanship of the Pro-Mark original. 

Item No.: PW727N

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