MXR MC406 CAE BUFFER Efekt do Gitary

  • Dostępność: Out Of Stock
  • Marka: MXR
  • Model: MC406
Nominalny Poziom Sygnału Wejściowego: 12 dBV
Impedancja Wejściowa: 1 MΩ
Nominalny Poziom Sygnału Wyjściowego: 19 dBV
Impedancja Wyjściowa: <1 kΩ
Zasilacz: 9V DC
Przetwarzanie Sygnału: True Hardwire Relay
Pobór Prądu: 43 mA
Specyfikacja: 20 Hz – 20 kHz ±0.1 dB
Specyfikacja II: Lo Cut -6 dB @ 140 Hz
Specyfikacja III: Hi Cut -6 dB @ 7 kHz
  • Makes up for signal loss that can occur when combining effects
  • Fine-tunes signal recovery with Hi & Lo cut switches
  • Extra output for optional separate unbuffered signal chain

When you run your signal from your instrument to your amp though long cables and/or through a large array of effects with varying impedance, there’s bound to be some signal degradation. Placing the MC406 Buffer in your signal chain addresses this issue. 

It’s a low-noise buffer in a small, rugged housing; it can add up to +6dB of gain with the front-facing gain slider; it makes up for signal loss that can occur when combining effects with different impedance levels; it fine-tunes signal recovery with Hi and Lo cut switches; it has an extra output for a tuner, separate effects chain or amp, and can be set to receive either a buffered or unbuffered signal; it also features a convenient 9VDC power output jack which provides power for another pedal. 

The MC406 Buffer is truly a mighty utility with a small footprint—an ideal addition to any effects rig or pedalboard!

Item No.: MC406

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