MEINL TINGSHA-8 Sonic Energy Luck Symbols Dzwonki Tybetańskie

  • Dostępność: Out Of Stock
  • Marka: MEINL
  • Model: TINGSHA8
Specyfikacja: 8 Luck Symbols (Ashtamangala)
Specyfikacja II: two metal plates at either end of a cord
Specyfikacja III: harmonic sound of Tingsha.

The MEINL Tingsha is true to the classical Tibetan cymbal. This instrument consists of two metal plates at either end of a cord. To bring the bell tone to play, it is enough to collide the cymbals gently. The peculiarity of this instrument is the interval between the two cymbals. This interval is one octave higher than our brain's alpha state. When we hear the sounds each cymbal shares through their overtones and listen to the leap between the two, it makes it easier to get into meditation. Tingshas will also be used to release blockages in a person's vibration field as well as in an environment. Listen to the harmonic sound of our Tingsha.

Item No.: TINGSHA8

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