MEINL TFCB Tuning Fork Rollup Bag Torba na Hardware

  • Marka: MEINL
  • Model: TFCB

  • Cena promocyjna:


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  • Cena netto: 24,51€
  • Najniższa cena w ciągu ostatnich 30 dni: 29,90€

Kolor: Natural
Specyfikacja: Feature 1: for carrying and storing tuning forks
Specyfikacja II: Feature 2: 9 tuning fork compartments, 1 accessory compartment
Specyfikacja III: Feature 3: works with every TF and TTF tuning fork
Funkcje: Material: Cotton Canvas
Szerokość: 55 cm
Wysokość: 46 cm
Waga: Shipping weight: 0.284 Kg

The Meinl Sonic Energy Tuning Fork Rollup Bag is convenient for carrying and keeping tuning forks and accessories close at hand. Up to nine TF or TTF series tuning forks fit inside the bag. Additionally, a buttoned compartment stores accessories like gemstones, tuning fork vibration feet, and more. The Rollup Bag is simple to roll up once everything has been stored.

Item No.: TFCB

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