• Dostępność: Out Of Stock
  • Marka: MARKBASS
  • Model: MBB146101
Materiał Korpusu: Olcha
Gryf: Klon
Podstrunnica: Klon
Ilość Progów: 20 frets with vintage cream binding, bone nut and MOP block inlays.
Menzura: 34″ scale
Elektronika: Single coil J style passive pickups custom designed on Markbass specs, perfectly matching Markbass electronic, 70’ style layout
Stroiki: Markbass Custom machine heads, F Style | 20:1 ratio, ultra light, precise and reliable
Mostek: Markbass Die cast bridge, lightweight, simple and functional in a perfect vintage style. VINTAGE (VG)

Amazing team Markbass has blended all the most sought after features by a high percentage of bassists into a single instrument.
Indeed it’s a great example of balance, simplicity and functionality; added a vintage look to our design and allowed total expression of any bass player thanks to our awesome MB Instrument Pre on board.

Couldn’t choose a better electronic than the Markbass for this instrument.
VOLUME/ VOLUME/TONE controls a definitely the best to manage the J/J pick up configuration and the TONE control (working also in the passive mode) lets the player move from Jaco or Motown style tones to more modern and open sounds. BASS/MIDDLE/HIGH controls on the active EQ section add a modern character to this vintage flavoured instrument, delivering a balanced and defined tone even using extreme settings.

Item No.: MBB146101

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