EVANS BD24REMAD Resonant 24˝ Lábdob dobbőr

  • Gyártó: EVANS
  • Cikkszám: BD24REMAD

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Specifikáció: A fixed, internally mounted black plastic control ring holds in place a foam damping ring that contr
Specifikáció II: The 4" offset mic port features a plastic sleeve focuses pitch and enhances the at
Átmérő: 24"
Széria: EMAD
Réteg: 1 réteg
Vastagság: 7.5 mil
Felület: Clear / Áttetsző
Szín: Fekete

For over 60 years, Evans has been an innovator in drumhead manufacturing and design. As the creator of the first synthetic drumhead and other revolutionary products such as EMAD, Hydraulics, and the UV1 series, Evans drumheads are designed with the intent of solving problems for drummers. Regarded for high quality and consistency all Evans drumheads are made in the USA and feature Level 360 Technology.

Evans™ EMAD™ resonant series features an offset 4" microphone port in a single ply of 10mil film. Similar to the EMAD™ batter a black, noise-free plastic sleeve holds a foam dampening ring around the edge of the micorphone port which controls overtones; enhancing pitch focus and attack.

Item No.: BD24REMAD


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