ERNIE BALL 2239 SLINKY RPS 9-42 Elektromos gitárhúrok

Húr vastagsága: 009 - 042
Húr anyaga: Nikkelezett acél
Bevont: Nem
Feltekerés: Round Wound / Hengeres
Húr vége: Ball End / Golyó
Húrok száma: 6
Specifikáció: 9-11-16-24w-32-42

Ernie Ball 2239 Slinky RPS Nickel Wound electric guitar strings are a reinforced version of Slinky strings and are distinguished by their strength and durability.

The patented RPS (Reinforced Plain Steel) technology is used to prevent the string from breaking at the base thanks to specially developed materials - a winding of bronze wire on the first three strings, which secures the twist of the fastening of the balls, preventing unwinding. Each uncoiled string has a patented brass wire reinforcement at the base of the string.

High quality sound is achieved through the nickel-plated steel winding. Coiled strings are made from a steel hex core, while uncoiled strings are made from specially hardened, tinned, high carbon steel. This solution provides stability, tone balance and durability.

Item No.: 2239774


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