VONYX SPJ-PA912 Karaoke készlet

  • Gyártó: VONYX
  • Cikkszám: 170.075

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Elérhetőség: Készleten

Wattérték: 500W
Frekvencia függés: 50 - 19.000 Hz
Típus: Aktív hangfal
Hangfal típus: 2 sávos hangfal
LF: 12'' membrán
HF: 1'' tekercs
Specifikáció: Playback options: Bluetooth, SD-Card, USB
Jellemzők: Battery: 12V - 12Ah, Frequency Handheld microphone 863.100 MHz, 864.500 MHz
Hossz: 350 mm
Szélesség: 335 mm
Magasság: 570mm
Súly: 15.9 kg

A professional 12" 500W Mobile Sound System featuring 2 UHF wireless microphones operating on different frequencies, remote control and integrated USB and SD slots for MP3 playing. This all in one system operates via mains or a 12V internal re-chargeable battery, powering a 12" main driver and a 1" HF driver. On the back there are 2 inputs and an echo effect for wired microphones, AUX line input, MP3 control unit, 5 controls for tonal adjustments etc. Due to this exciting system, premises and areas can be filled with an ear pleasing sound.

Item No.: 170.075


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