THOMASTIK 534 Superflexible 1/4 Hegedűhúrok

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Elérhetőség: Készleten

Húr vastagsága: Közepes
1. húr anyaga: 530 e²  mi²  I Rope core Aluminum wound
2. húr anyaga: 531 a¹  la¹  II Rope core Chrome wound
3. húr anyaga: 532 d¹  re¹  III Rope core Chrome wound
4. húr anyaga: 533 g  sol  IV Rope core Chrome wound
Húrvég típus: Ball End / Golyó
Húr feszültség: medium
Méret: 1/​4
Hossz: vibrating string length 26.0 cm | 10.2"

Thomastik-Infeld Superflexible violin string is an advance over conventional solid strings, lying midway in the path of evolution from the solid core to the advanced spiral core type.

The solid core has been replaced by a cable-type structure made up of braided steel threads. This reduces the string's stiffness, improving its elasticity. A Superflexible string is incomparably responsive and its tone seems to literally radiate from the instrument, without the least harshness.

Durability, tuning stability, and purity of open fifths are unsurpassed. Superflexible is a dependable all-around string for the discerning musician, at home with every type of bowing and in every musical situation.


Item No.: 53414


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