SHURE SM57 Dinamikus mikrofon

  • TOP Seller SHURE SM57 Dinamikus mikrofon
  • Gyártó: SHURE
  • Cikkszám: 1494

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Elérhetőség: Készleten

Szín: Fekete
Mikrofon típus: Dinamikus
Használat célja: Dynamic Instrument Microphone
Forma: Kézimikrofon
Iránykarakterisztika: Kardioid
Interfész: XLR
Frekvencia függés: 40 to 15,000 Hz
Impedancia: 150 ohm
Specifikáció: Contoured frequency response for clean, instrumental reproduction and rich vocal pickup
Specifikáció II: Professional-quality reproduction for drum, percussion, and instrument amplifier miking
Specifikáció III: Uniform cardioid pickup pattern isolates the main sound source while reducing background noise
Jellemzők: Pneumatic shock-mount system cuts down handling noise
További jellemzők: Extremely durable under the heaviest use
Különlegességek: It’s the most popular choice for a professional musician who wants to mic up their amplified or acou
Kiegészítők: 1 A25D Swivel Stand Adapter, 1 95A2313 Storage Bag
Súly: 0,765 kg

The legendary Shure SM57 is exceptional for musical instrument pickup and vocals. With its bright, clean sound and contoured frequency response, the SM57 is ideal for live sound reinforcement and recording.
The SM57 has an extremely effective cardioid pickup pattern that isolates the main sound source while minimizing background noise. In the studio, it is excellent for recording drums, guitar, and woodwinds. Outstanding performance, reliability, and application diversity make this "workhorse" the choice of performers, producers, and sound engineers worldwide.

Item No.: 1494


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