Tradíció 1994 óta
Több mint 29 éve önökkel
- 2015 - We received Credit Rate AA certificate
- 2016 - We received Credit Rate AAA certificate
- 2019 - We received a high grade Gold Creditworthiness AAA certificate
- 2021/2022 - We received the highest grade Platinum Creditworthiness AAA certificate
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Platina hitelképesség
Legmagasabb AAA fokozat
MUSIC MAX d.o.o., Levstikova ulica 1 d, 3000 Celje, Slovenia SI
tel: +386 3 548 48 74, fax: +386 3 548 48 74
In the framework of the international project the credit rating agency Bisnode, the biggest partner company of the credit rating agency Dun & Bradstreet, conducted financial analysis of companies in 19 European countries, also in Slovenia.
The credit rating of excellence represents an above-average rating value of economic operators. Based on the financial statements of the entities for the last financial year, it predicts the security of business in the next 12 months. Credit rating of excellence own only the best companies with the key differential advantage in business.
Companies with creditworthiness rating achieve above-average results and meet the criteria for reduced probability that they would experience any of the following events in the next twelve months:
- bankruptcy, compulsory settlement or liquidation (< 0,08% probability),
- cancellation of business registration (< 0,81% probability),
- blocked bank accounts for more than 60 days continuously or more than 90 days totaly (< 0,41% probability).
There is a 91% probability that entities with AAA Platinum Creditworthiness creditworthiness rating will maintain the creditworthiness rating also in the next year.
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Are you a professional? A weekend warrior? Maybe a hobby player? It doesn't matter. What is important is it that we share your passion for music and musical instruments. By contacting us you will not only connect to highly trained sales pros and product specialists. No, you will actually get friends who understand all your music passion, as well as problems and your inner fears, people who will support you in getting what really matters to you - taking home an instrument of your dreams!
Our mission is to provide the best possible service to YOU, my friend!
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