FLIGHT F-230C NA Guitarra acústica
- Marca: FLIGHT
- Código de Producto: F230CNAT
Precio especial:
Precio antiguo:121,05€
- Impuestos: 94,26€
Tapa: Spruce
Costados: Agathis
Reverso: Agathis
Cuerpo: Western
Acabado: Brillante
Acabado del cuerpo: Brillante
Mástil: Okouma
Fingerboard: Kabukalli Wood
Numero de trastes: 21
Ancho de cejilla: 43 mm
Escalas: 650 mm
Recorte de cuerpo: Yes
Acabado de detalles: Cromado
Puente: Kabukalli
Especificación: 2 chrome belt holders
Specifications II: Edging and rosette: Abalone
FLIGHT F-230C: The Best Guitar for Kids and Beginners The FLIGHT F-230C is an acoustic guitar that offers exceptional sound quality and playability in its price range. With a suitable size and body shape, it is ideal for children and beginners.
Visit our stores and try out this superb guitar for yourself! The FLIGHT F-230C is the right choice for those looking for the best combination of sound quality and playability in their price range. With the optimal body size and shape, this guitar is specially adapted for children and beginners.
Whether you are just learning to play or already have experience, the FLIGHT F-230C will impress you with its sound and comfortable playing. Visit our stores and try out this amazing guitar for yourself!
Item No.: F230CNAT