DZS PUCIHAR: Moj prijatelj klavir 2 Piano Textbook

  • Marca: DZS
  • Código de Producto: 1408055

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Disponibilidad: En Stock

"The textbook is written in accordance with the musical-developmental and general characteristics of a child attending the 2nd grade of a music school. The contents enable both the realization of musical goals and promote the child's holistic development. To a large extent, they encourage their own creativity and promote musical communication between the teacher and the student. The tasks set include movement activities that deepen their musical perception and support the development of musical thinking. The child's memorization is also stimulated in a pleasant way. The musical pluralism of the contents co-shapes their attitude towards learning about and respecting different musical traditions and environments. The textbook fully corresponds to developmental-psychological aspects."

Item No.: 1408055

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